Darker Days Come & Go

Sometimes darker days come through.

Dark thoughts, sad feelings, feelings of hopelessness

This is NOT You,
it's a wave of frequency experience.

Having tools & prACTices in place is super important for these "down" days, so that You can Consciously Choose how to Respond vs unconsciously allowing the ‘not so nice’ thoughts and beliefs hijack your mind.

*Ground your energy.
*Use positive affirmations.
*Remind yourself of all that you appreciate in life.
*Hold uplifting vibrational crystals.
*Engage in something creative or immersive.
*Remember, everything is temporary.

Emotions are not WHO You Are, they Are what You Experience. Emotions and thoughts have the potential of communicating information to us on what is going on beneath the surface, within the mindfield and in our surroundings. If we would only Listen rather than shy away from them.

Embrace the Experience
This too shall pass
Everything is okay
You are okay


I don’t say “darker” as if it is a ‘bad’ thing. I simply mean there are days where we don’t feel as positive, and well, let’s face it, there are days when the thoughts sway to the ‘not so nice’ side and/or cause us to want to ‘escape’ the reality we are experiencing.

However, to me, it is within the ‘darkness’ that we have the opportunity to discover the light, and shine that light to discover more about our experience.

Whether you agree or not, hopefully you find these tips on moving through the darker days helpful.

Ground your energy.
Breathe. Imagine your breath flowing through energetic roots from your feet into the earth.
Get into Nature. Feet in the mud. Sit at the roots of a tree. Lay in the grass.
Get into the Ocean.

Use positive affirmations.
The feelings I am experiencing are valid.
I Am capable of sitting within and moving through this.
All experiences hold lessons. May I see and embody the lessons being gifted to me today.
Me being me, in all the ups and downs and imperfections, is my personal experience and it matters. I matter. I Am doing the best I can and that is enough.
Being human is a challenge, but it's also a gift. I Am grateful for the experience.

Generate Gratitude.
Being grateful doesn't mean that everything feels "great". It's simply an offering of gratitude and appreciation for the lessons, for the offerings, for the experience.
Also, the vibration of appreciation helps us to develop a wider perspective which creates a state of acceptance. This practice can help to resolve any feelings of resentment, anger, victimhood, etc.
"I Am Grateful for..."

Crystalize the Experience.
Crystals are cosmic vibrational support systems. Just by holding them or having them within your energy field can help to bring balance and harmony to your heart, body and mind. It's a frequency thing.
Choose whichever one catches your attention first, breathe with it & gift yourself a good 10 minutes for your overall energy to synchronize and recalibrate.

Engage with Creative Flow State Activities.
Darker thoughts, feelings, vibrations will only linger if you allow them to. Immerse yourself in some sort of creative or immersive experience that can help shift and redirect the energy.
Nature, art, journaling, gardening, cleaning, exercise, meditation.

Everything is Temporary.
Lastly, Remember: Everything changes with time, meaning, every experience is temporary.
"This too shall pass." is one of my important daily mantras.
This mantra reminds me that All experiences are fleeting, even those that we perceive to be "good". So it is important to remind ourselves to Be Present with the experience at hand. Learn from it. Grow from it. Evolve from it.

One more mantra I find helpful:
"I am at the right place, at the right time, right now." - Pastor Sky
This is a reminder that everything has its place, and while sometimes we would like to believe there has been a mistake, that we were handed incorrect cards, every moment is actually by you and for you. The universe is transpiring in your favor, but it's up to you to embody the moment and take radical responsibility for your part in cocreating the next moments to come.

I learn SO much about my Self, my mind and my abilities during my ‘darker’ days. There’s SO much to explore there. Utilizing these moments as spaces to explore rather than spaces to escape can change your human experience in amazing ways!

I hope you’ve found this helpful. I would love to hear from You in the comments! Did you find any of these tips helpful? What else helps YOU during your darker days? Do You find darker days helpful like I do?