Black New Moon in Aries

New Moon
March 31 | April 1
10:24PM HST | 1:24AM PST
Empower your Self to initiate change!

Let us Remember the Importance of every New Moon:

*The beginning of a new moon cycle (begins every approximately every 29.5 days)
*New Beginnings, New Intentions & Goals, New Plans or evolution of our plans
*Depending on the alignments, it could feel like a complete Rebirth
*Moon/Sun are aligned, sharing the same astrology sign - powerful energy
*Supports emotional balance
*May be more of an introverted time, honor your needs to go within and get your heart/mind clear
*Encourages us to have faith as we move forward in the dark; plant new seeds even though we may not have any idea of how they will grow.

A BLACK New Moon is when there are two new moons in the same month. Depending on where you are on the planet, your 2 new moons are either in March or April. To me, this is an extra opportunity to boost our growth and evolution of our Self, our projects, our plans, our reality.

New Moon in Aries Energy Insights:

* 1st New Moon of the astrological new year. New beginnings with a pep in our step and a fire in our heart.

* Actions may be aggressive, heroic or both depending on your state of mind.

* Be mindful to bring more compassion, empathy and patience to yourself and others. It will get you farther if you tap in rather than create resistance.

* May feel called to do or say whatever you want; no filters or fears of judgment.

* Force & repression may accelerate from those who's egos yearn for control or are on a mission to impose their created reality onto others. Stand your ground, remember your path and keep on keepin' on with as much respect as you can.


This is it. It’s GO TIME! We have officially gone through a full astrological year, meaning we have gone through all the seasons, cycles, gateways, frequency alignments of the signs/planets/comets and have come out on the other side.

We have ALL grown SO much over this past year. We have also gained much insight to ourselves, our friends, family, jobs and the world at large.

What have you learned?
How have you grown?
What are you consciously choosing to leave behind as a memory, and
what are you consciously choosing to initiate into being as you pave this new path of your shared reality here on Earth?

The astrological sign of Aries a fire sign, which, yep you guessed it, adds some fire and potent movement to our lives. It’s also a cardinal sign which holds the vibration of leadership which supports our deep yearnings for change, to freshen things up, to start something new while dissolving the fears we might normally have in place.

Because this fire can be a bit spicy, and because of some other planetary alignments, this time can also ignite some aggression, irritation, impatience and has the potential of enhancing some people’s yearning for control and repression.

This is not a time to back down from creating your dreams, however, it is a time to remember that we are all in human form, and we have no idea what someone else’s story entails. So it is important to tap into some deep patience and compassion as we all do our best to navigate this time with respect for our sensitivities and needs.

If you find your Self needing to control a situation or blindly pushing forward without any consideration for others around you, you are kindly encouraged to step aside and take a breather. Ground your self and remember that there is no reason to hurt others to get what you want.

With that said, anyone enforcing unconscious masculine behaviors to manipulate and push others around – it’s time for them to take a hike. This new year is the initiation into creating the New Earth, and outdated, unconscious masculinity (domination, control, pyramid & corporate greed) has no place in it. So get creative and find ways to get them out of your way, because there is Nothing that should stop you from creating the life you dream of now!

Get creative. Let your imagination mixed with a grounded approach set the tone for your creative energy to flow into 3D existence. Have fun. Connect with others that want to support you and your path.

It’s time to live the life we came here to create. And remember, if challenges come, there are Always solutions. Breathe, get creative & stay fluid!

Happy Humaning! I Love You.

CRYSTALS to Enhance Your New Moon in Aries Experience:
Fire Agate

Check out this DIY New Moon Ritual Guide