

Individual Services
Private Sound Journeys
Special Offerings & Package Deals
Scroll to view the options!

If you’re looking for classes and events, see my Events Calendar.

A Note About My Offerings:
I provide an array of services that are working with the Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Physical bodies, supporting you in aligning with your unique Soul Song and living your human life on purpose. A lot of these self-healing pursuits are focused on shadow work to reclaim the light and gifts within You. My main focus is creating an environment for You to feel safe and open to receive the energy transmissions and flow into your wholeness and sacred power.


I am now physically located in southern Maine. I still offer distance / online sessions for Energy Attunements, Energy Upgrades & Soul Guidance.

Online Booking is currently not available. Please Contact Me to reserve a session!

*Sliding scale available for those in need. I also accept trade/partial trade if it feels in alignment. Simply contact me so we can discuss options.

Personalized Sessions

If you’re needing some clarity on what service might best serve you, feel free to set up a complementary 20 minute Clarity Call


1 hr of an intuitive blend of energy work dedicated to help ground, clear, open and balance your chakras and overall energy field.

See more info below

Energy Attunements are primarily energy work, and do not include any type of deep counsel or guidance except what might come through in the energy session.

If you are in need of more of a guided process of Spiritual/Soul/Life changes, please see the *UPGRADE* option below which also includes ATTUNE.

I use multiple energetic and vibrational approaches utilizing the quantum field to assist your body and soul in releasing any attached energies, reclaiming fragmented soul streams (from trauma/fear), and grounding and stabilizing your energy into your temple/body.

Many of us have underactive or blocked chakras, which means usually there are also chakras that are overactive, so we are aiming to unlock, reconnect and create a harmonized flow. Just to be transparent, for those that are new to this, opening and balancing our chakras is a multi-layered process. You’re body is like a complex instrument, and tuning it to it’s natural flow state is a delicate process, with your body and mind leading the way to how much change it will allow at one time.

We all are in a constant state of flux, melding and sometimes being bombarded by others' energies, EMFs, solar flares, geomagnetic storms, the effects of the mental/emotional state of our general surroundings, as well as, the collective population, so even if you’ve been doing ‘the work’ to care for yourself, it can be helpful to receive assistance in offering your temple regular tune-ups just as we do our cars.

Energy Attunements can support positive change to any mental, physical, emotional and spiritual imbalances.

Includes: It’s challenging to explain in words all that comes through these sessions, but in general, these are an intuitive blend of Quantum/Reiki/Hands on Energy Work, Sacred Sound / Light Language Activations, Crystal Therapy & Aromatherapy.

Energy Exchange - 1 hr - $150
Distance via Zoom - Special - $135
*For Zoom or Phone (your choice), you will want to have a private space you can be alone/unbothered so that you relax and receive.


This 2 hr experience includes two sessions in one for those looking for guidance and extra support in moving through challenges and reaching their potentials.

A unique, intuitive blend of energy work, mind enhancements, breathwork, guided meditation, light language activations and more.

See more information below

Personalized 2 hour Intuitive Spiritual/Soul Guidance + Energy Clearing, Balancing & upgrading in Waialua (First time clients - 2-2.5hrs)

These sessions are more like two sessions in one aimed at supporting you in moving through your area(s) of concern in the moment, but also, helping to set you up with perspectives, tools and supportive self-navigation processes to support your Self in future moments.

I utilize different tools that stimulate neuroplasticity, nurture energy harmonization, and upgrade your epigenetics, such as mindfulness/awareness, breathwork, energy work / soul activations, and suggestions for changes in perception/beliefs/behavioral patterns and inner/outer environments.

Some insights to common areas of focus:
-Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Feeling ‘Stuck’, Trauma, PTSD, Cognitive Dissonance (confusion, denial, self-sabotage)
-Soul Purpose/Gifts/Abilities, Self-Empowerment, Self-Creation
-Chakra activation
-Opening your voice
-Nurturing - space to express, to be heard, to feel supported
-Selfullness - Self Love, Self Care, Self Acceptance
-Overcoming old behaviors, patterns, beliefs (‘past life’, this life or ancestral)
-Facing and moving through Fears / Shadow Self
-Emotional/Body Intelligence (access, innerstand, regulate)
-Relationships (kids, partners, work - karma, entanglement, harmony)
-Physical ailments - pain, injuries, heart conditions, cancer
+ More

If you’re unsure of what You need, schedule a complementary 20 minute Clarity Call!

Every session is different due to their intuitive nature and the intent to form it around Your personal needs in the moment, however, they usually begin with more of the mental/emotional insights and processing and are completed with you lying down to receive energy work.

I have witnessed beautiful and profound changes with each of my clients over the years. Sometimes one session is all You feel you need, and yet, there are So many layers to work through.
Consider signing up for a multiple session package if you feel called to working through more layers together. (scroll for package deals)

Includes: It’s challenging to explain in words all that comes through these sessions, but in general, these are an intuitive blend of Quantum/Reiki/Hands on Energy Work, Sacred Sound / Light Language Activations, Crystal Therapy & Aromatherapy. (See ATTUNE above for further insight to the importance of Energy Work.)
I dedicate extra time afterward to create a follow-up email with Reminders, How to’s & Soul Work to support you in moving forward (if needed).

Energy Exchange - 2hr - $250 (discounted from $300)
Distance via Zoom - SPECIAL - $225
*For Zoom or Phone (your choice), you will want to have a private space you can be alone/unbothered so that you can feel safe discussing your concerns, feeling and expressing emotion, as well as, relax and receive.


A 1.25 hr session dedicated to navigating through the mind to unwind emotional attachments to past/future, helping you to reclaim your presence and power in this moment.

See more on how this works and it’s importance below.

Emotions are powerful, useful source streams of energy, and each emotion emits a different frequency (hertz). When in flow, they help us process and move energy from our environment, mental activity and daily experience through our body. They also tend to shape our beliefs and view points of ourselves, others and the world.

If we have a stressful, overwhelming or traumatic experience that is left unresolved, the emotions from this experience can get stored and 'stuck' in the body, which can eventually create mental and physical stresses, ailments or diseases (dis-ease). These are known as psychosomatic or psychophysiological conditions.

Those emotions and experiences lay under the surface, programmed in the unconscious/subconscious mind left to replay that stress over and over again in what we call negative feedback loops. These draining unconscious programs are controlling a big percentage of our life and are the reasons for a lot of the stress, anxiety, self-sabotage, cognitive dissonance and diseases of today.

How it works:
You will sit with your eyes closed, and I will verbally guide you through a process of connecting with the memory or feeling in a safe environment, locating the connection in the body (or vice versa. Using a combination of guided meditation, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) cues, somatic release through breath and energy work, we aim to expand perspective, embody any learning lessons this has been wanting to gift you (bringing acceptance and empowerment) and unwind and release the emotional attachment to 'said' area of focus.

We will complete the session with a little energy work to help integrate the changes and ground you into your new vibration.

Energy Exchange - 1.25hr - $188
Distance via Zoom - SPECIAL - $169
*For Zoom or Phone (your choice), you will want to have a private space you can be alone/unbothered so that you can feel safe discussing your concerns, feeling and expressing emotion, as well as, relax and receive.


1 hr deep dives into core foundations that our Souls and Bodies need to thrive...important human abilities that were left out of most of our upbringings leaving many of us feeling lost, disempowered or like something is missing,

Find out more below.

In order for your Soul to thrive in this human experience, there are some core foundations that most of the educational and parenting systems missed growing up (for the majority of us here in the western world). You know, the ones that guide us through how to actually do this human thing and operate this human body and complex mind.

I am honored to share the main tools that I feel to be the most worthy of space in your daily regime. They help to ground and stabilize your energy/mind/body/soul while you navigate your way through the waves of life. They help you to regulate your nervous system and awaken your mind, allowing you to respond to and co-create with life rather than unconsciously reacting to everything around you.

If you choose to invest in multiple sessions, we will be able to move through many layers of these practices customized to your personal flow, desires and needs.

Some of the main tools:
-Full Soul Breathing (we will always begin with this as this is the core element)
-HeartMath Emotional Regulation Practices
-Mindful Awareness Basics
-Next Level Awareness
-Energy Connection, Clearing & Self-healing

This will also include basic how-to follow up emails when needed.

Energy Exchange - 1hr - $150
Distance via Zoom - SPECIAL - $135
*For Zoom or Phone (your choice), you will want to have a private space you can be alone/unbothered so that you can feel safe discussing your concerns, feeling and expressing emotion, as well as, relax and receive.


Sometimes we need to feel connected, supported, heard. Sometimes we need to speak to someone who ‘gets it’ and won’t judge us.
Sometimes we need someone to bounce ideas off of.
I’m here.

See timing options and more info below.

We live in a world where so many people are becoming aware of energy, different layers of reality and just seeing life in a different way than most. This can be overwhelming, confusing and can feel lonely at times, especially when other people don't quite understand.

Sometimes you just need someone to talk to.

These sessions are for You if you:
-need a lending ear by someone who ‘gets it’ when it comes to the awakening process and seeing the world/reality differently
-Emotional support
-have questions about what you are feeling/sensing/experiencing
-have questions about life, reality, spirituality
-feel stuck in your head and need to hash things out with someone
(Does not include energy work or follow up emails)

Energy Exchange - 30 min - $75 & 1 hr - $150
Distance via Zoom - SPECIAL - $68 & $135
*For Zoom or Phone (your choice), you will want to have a private space you can be alone/unbothered so that you can feel safe discussing your concerns, feeling and expressing emotion, as well as, relax and receive.

*DeArmoring* - Currently Unavailable

Personalized 1.5 hour Emotional & Energy Release in Waialua

*This service is interactive and takes work on your part through the breath and a willingness to feel into the stored emotions body. We use breathwork, pressure points and energy work to support you in releasing the emotional armor that many of us tend to develop through different forms of stress and trauma - sometimes lifetimes of it. It can be uncomfortable, sometimes painful, and less ‘relaxing’, yet the release is so worth the effort. These sessions can leave one feeling so much lighter, clearer and more free within one's own temple/body.

Please check out this video for an idea of what it might look like before deciding.

Includes: Preparing your mind for the experience / explanation of what to expect, guided breathwork, hands-on pressure point energy work & Quantum/Reiki/Hands on Healing and aromatherapy.

Energy Exchange - 1.5 hr - $250

Sound Journeys


Private Sound Journeys
@ my hale in Waialua
*up to 4 attendees


*Pick Me Up*

*Clear the static, lighten the load & feel good in your body, heart and mind. This is for those that want a quick attunement compared to longer sound journeys.

$200 - 1 hour

Includes: Essential oils, Intention setting & about 30-40 minutes of sound

Please Note: these shorter sound ceremonies are mainly for those that have journeyed with me before, as there is not a lot of time to prep beginners! If new to Sound Ceremonies with me, please see the next options!

*Portal to Equilibrium*
*Clearing stagnant energies and inviting in the new while lifting your Spirit, helping you feel lighter, clearer and more courageous and empowered to create the life you dream of. Cellular & Soul Rejuvenation are absolutely a thing. You deserve this!

$250 - 1.5 hour

Includes: Essential oils, intention setting, Your choice of Oracle cards or longer sound, at least 1 hour of sound.

*Surrender to Remember*
(Most Popular)
*All of the above benefits + Longer sound experiences help you to dive deeper into your subconscious and super conscious mind. These journeys have the potential of bringing you into a deeper communion with your Self and the world within and around you, adding a lightness and freshness to your life experience.

Dive In.

$300 - 2 hour

Includes: Essential oils, intention setting, Your choice of Oracle cards or longer sound, minimum 1.25 hours of sound.

Currently Not Available - *Gateway to Inner Worlds*
There is nothing comparable to these longer sound immersions! These experiences gift you access to deeper rest for the body (natural self-healing state) unwinding ancient unhealthy patterns, anchor your Soul into a more profound union with your temple and unlock parts of you and align your energy with higher frequencies innate to your unique DNA coding. I have witnessed a couple clients addictions disappearing after these longer sessions!

$555 - 4 hour

Includes: Essential oils, intention setting, Your choice of Oracle cards or longer sound, minimum 3 hours of sound.

*Private Group Sound Ceremonies in Your hOMe
*Private 1.5-2 hour (or longer!) in person at Your location on Oahu
As many people as you can fit.

Includes: Oracle cards, Essential oils, intention setting & at least 1-1.25 hours of sound

Contact me for pricing

TO RESERVE or find out more information
Email me:

1) Name
2) Phone Number
3) Specific *Service* that interests you
4) How many people
5) Preferred Days/Times
And we will see where we can align!

*If You feel called to my services and the pricing doesn't suit your wallet at this time, please contact me and we can find a solution.

*Payment Types Accepted: Cash, Venmo, PayPal, Ca$h App, Cryptocurrency