Be Aware of Phantom Triggers during the Holiday Season!

Holy Eclipse Season, Batman! There were some intense energies moving through our collective consciousness, requiring us to bring some extra focus on our relationships, our foundations of safety and security (in our physical experience & in our mind/emotions), and with this, some Big changes that may have been initiated...but don't let up, there's more to do!

I feel like April 2020 - March 2022 was a time for introspection, having to look at what shit and/or glory we may have been swimming around in, and since April this year, life has been Demanding change and expansion with all of it.

And, these last two eclipses were the tipping point to getting clear on the life vibration we want to breathe into existence, and the life we were/are ready to leave in the wind.

Can You Feel it?


Some challenging moments may lie ahead of you...

We have entered the Holiday Season, and
what takes place during the holiday season for most people?

Family Gatherings.

Whether we are with our families in person or not, these times can be absolutely uplifting, nourishing and exciting, and it can also be draining, anxiety-inducing and trigger-provoking...sometimes simultaneously.

The family is where many of our patterns, emotional behaviors, mental constructs and triggers are born from; some of them literally passed on through the blood in our veins.

While some families nurture everyone's differences and lift each other up, it is extremely rare that all family members are on a path of self-awareness and evolving from their old ways.

Which means, the majority of our family, and humans in general, are still operating on the same old programming, behaviors and view points they had when we were children.

If you're receiving this email, chances are you have been on, or are just beginning, the journey of Self-Awareness. This means you have committed to a life of growth; evolution; change.

For those of us that have decided to move on from the past, we are moving at a faster speed than most, and depending on how connected you are with your family, they may or may not be up-to-date with the newest version of You.

And even if they are up-to-date, they may not be willing to SEE and HONOR the new You. They may not be ready for it, they may not know how to let go of the old you, and the truth is, they may never reach that point in this lifetime.

So what is my point in saying all of this?


You've done a LOT of self-work to BEcome who You are today. The New Moon comes into place the day before Gratitude Day and is encouraging you to rise to the occasion to HOLD that baseline vibration, YOUR vibration that you have cultivated.
Remember and Know who You are.

Your family is going to be who they are.
There is no need to change them, for they are on their own timely path, and it's not for us to judge.

While you have become strong in your own heart/mind, you may have some phantom familial patterns coming up that will test you.
Are you prepared?

Keep your personal power in check:

1) What tools do you have in place to call upon in times of overwhelm, stress or frustrations? Make sure these are at the forefront of your mind, so when you need them, they are there.

2) Gift yourself permission to exit stage left if you need to claim some moments of peace.

3) What are your boundaries? What behaviors will you allow, as well as, what behaviors will you not allow?

For example, I have a family member that would raise their voice at me and get angry with me for no reason other than their own fears/confusion/inability to use their words. They did this the last time I saw them, and I said something along the lines of "Why are you yelling at me? This is the behavior you've had with me for years, and it's actually called emotional abuse. I know you do not mean it that way, but I will not allow it in my life anymore. So if you want to continue seeing me, let's work on this." And you know what? They actually talked to me, we discovered they could benefit from having a therapist to talk to, and they let me help them find a therapist. Our relationship has improved ten fold!

4) Remember, this is about You, and you remaining in your power. This isn't about changing the entire family to adjust to your needs. That is impossible and will only drain you. Tune into when it's in alignment to speak up or to simply let something go. What's worth your time and energy and what isn't?

A couple loving tips:

We are still human.

No matter how strong we feel in our own vibration, we can still be swayed by others. Triggers may come, and we may get caught off guard, or those phantom triggers may have a stronger presence than we once thought. It's Okay. We see it, we experience it, we reflect, we grow, and keep going.
You may be swayed from your core vibration, but it hasn't left you! Feel what you need to feel, then come back to center, ground your energy and offer yourself a moment of gratitude for making it through another emotional layer of your human journey.

Avoid Alcohol.
I know some may not appreciate this suggestion, because for many, alcohol is the buffer that has helped them get through family gatherings. However, alcohol reduces cognizance, scatters our vibration, and therefore, can cause us to be more susceptible to emotional triggers.

Last but not least: It's okay if we sway off center.

Hopefully you found this helpful!

If you are on island on Saturday, November 26th, I'll be offering a New Moon Sound Ceremony in Kailua! See details HERE!

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As always, I hope to journey with You soon!
Blessings Abound,

SuperNova Sarah
Vibrational Alchemists Collective Meetup Group